The top ten realities of pollution which may frozen your spine

Whenever most of us talk about pollution, we just condemn its rise, express concerns on its expansion, and pledge enthusiastically to do our best for its mitigation. We never talk anything concrete about it in absolute terms. We just resort to more gossiping about it.
Let’s have a look at the top ten realities of pollution.

1. Pollution is the biggest global killer!

Pollution is the only killer which is global and kills indiscriminately without taking into account whether its victim is black, white, rich, poor, man, woman, or from which religion. It affects
realities of pollution
over 100 million people directly or indirectly leading a quarter of them to die prematurely in a few years before their natural death.

2. It can be eliminated but still persists!

The menace of pollution can be eliminated with the help of environmentally friendly activities in every walk of life. But it can’t be done so just because the world is divided into several classes where industrialized nations are polluting in limit while less industrialized one are emitting more just because of lack of care. As a result, it persists despite our uneven ability to mitigate it to its lowest level.

3. Pollution hotspots are finite!

Despite its rising, pollution hotspots in the world are not infinite which speaks of its possibility of its control if collaborative efforts are made to check its spread.

4. The solution to pollution is cheaper!

The only will is required to control pollution otherwise cost of controlling it is not so huge.

5. Children are the most vulnerable!

Because of their weaker immune system, children are the most susceptible to the various harmful effects of pollution. Nearly three million children die every year because of environmental degradation.

6. Smaller is the most polluter!

Small operating units whether they are factories, cars or offices cause more pollution because of the lack of a proper mechanism to protect it as compare to the bigger concerns which have a proper system to take care of their surrounding environment.

7. Once polluted, can’t be reverted

Once pollution is caused it can’t be reverted but its source can be removed. In this case, its spread can be checked but the amount which already been occurred cannot be taken back.

8. Pollution hits life expectancy

In the most polluted regions of the world, people survive for a lesser period of time as compared to those living in less polluted regions.

9. Pollution doesn’t simply kill

Sometimes one can’t die because of pollution but spend whole life suffering from several painful diseases because of its harmful effects. Therefore, the end result of the pollution is not death in all cases. Most of the time endless miseries are the ultimate end of this menace.

10. Pollution is for all

All living beings whether human beings, animals, or plants, all are equally impacted by the havoc of pollution. Therefore any specific specie doesn’t have to worry more or less about it, it can harm all living beings. 

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